Mattia Veronese
Tel +39-049-8277654
Room 214 – 2nd floor – DEI/A

Short Bio

Prof. Mattia Veronese – Group leader in “Molecular Imaging Biomarkers and Precision Medicine”

Mattia Veronese is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Neuroimaging at the Centre for Neuroimaging Science at King’s College London. He is a biomedical engineer by training and holds a PhD in PET kinetic modeling.

His primary research interests focus on the development and validation of molecular neuroimaging biomarkers and their application in drug development and precision medicine. Over his research career, he has participated in more than 30 experimental medicine studies and clinical trials across neurological and psychiatric disorders, contributing to the analysis of thousands of neuroimaging scans.

This research is supported by contributions from several funding bodies, including the Italian Ministry of University and Research (Rome, Italy), the Wellcome Trust Foundation (London, UK), the National Institute for Health and Care Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (London, UK), and the CHDI Foundation (New York, USA).

Associated networks and initiatives:
Molecular Neuroimaging
Neuroscience and Graphic Design

Selected Publications


Manuela, Moretto; Valentina, Baro; Sabrina, Brigadoi; Marco, Castellaro; Mariagiulia, Anglani; Antonio, Mazzoni; Elisabetta, Zanoletti; Andrea, Landi; Luca, Denaro; Francesco, Causin; Domenico, D'Avella; Alessandra, Bertoldo

Optimized DTI acquisition and tractography pipeline for a reliable reconstruction of the facial nerve in patients with vestibular schwannoma Conference

ISMRM 2019.

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All Publications


Manuela, Moretto; Valentina, Baro; Sabrina, Brigadoi; Marco, Castellaro; Mariagiulia, Anglani; Antonio, Mazzoni; Elisabetta, Zanoletti; Andrea, Landi; Luca, Denaro; Francesco, Causin; Domenico, D'Avella; Alessandra, Bertoldo

Optimized DTI acquisition and tractography pipeline for a reliable reconstruction of the facial nerve in patients with vestibular schwannoma Conference

ISMRM 2019.

Links | BibTeX

Baro, Valentina; Landi, Andrea; Brigadoi, Sabrina; Castellaro, Marco; Moretto, Manuela; Anglani, Mariagiulia; Ermani, Mario; Causin, Francesco; Denaro, Luca; Bertoldo, Alessandra; others,

Preoperative prediction of facial nerve in patients with Vestibular Schwannomas: the role of diffusion tensor imaging. A systematic review Journal Article

In: World neurosurgery, 2019.
